Monthly Events and Meetings

Treasure Valley Camera Club (TVCC) meets two times a month, with the exception of holidays, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, at:

Meridian Friends Church, 1021 W. Pine Avenue, Meridian, Idaho 83642.

Meetings start with 15 to 20 minutes for introductions, business and information. This is usually followed by a member or guest talking on a topics of interest/workshops, such as lenses, equipment, and different styles/subjects of photography, etc. After our topic of interest we have a slide show of works that is brought in by any member who wants to share that evening.

For more information on upcoming meetings/events click on the corresponding day on the calendar. To get to the calendar use the toolbar above.

Field trips: Take place one or two times a month and are varied in topic and place and are sometimes dependent on weather or time. They are usually local and sometimes get us entry into places you couldn't go on your own.

Western Idaho Fair

Each year we have special talks or workshops to help our members learn the requirements to enter a submission to the Fair. Being part of the Western Idaho Fair (WIF) and participating in the Photography Exhibition there provides the Treasure Valley Camera Club (TVCC) with an opportunity to show our work and share our passion for photography with the community.

The members of the Treasure Valley Camera Club and the Boise Camera volunteer their time each year to help staff the exhibit. Volunteers help with tasks such as setting up and taking down the exhibit, greeting visitors, and monitoring the exhibit, all valuable skills for a photographer.

Volunteering for this event is important to the success of the Photography Exhibition and t growth of an individual and the club. This also benefits the financial health of TVCC. The WIF pays the TVCC for providing volunteer club members to staff the exhibit. The fee we receive supports many of our events.

TVCC Fun Day and Picnic

Our summer picnic and fun day, all for a minimal fee, which will be determined when all information is available! The day will start with a fun photography activity. Next you can participate in a no hassles picnic hosted by TVCC and possibly add an activity later in the day.

Annual Christmas Party

Christmas is the time for the annual dinner and our gear swap. Bring any items to do with photography that you no longer have a use for, and you can sell it, swap it, or give it away. Buy raffle tickets and you can win a prize. Most of all, have a nice evening with your friends and significant others.